
Third recertification as healthy company

We are proud that our Monheim plant has been honored with the third recertification as a "Gesundes Unternehmen" (healthy company) by AOK Bayern. This award encourages us to further actively support the health of our employees. 

At Buehler Motor we are committed to not only provide a safe work environment for our employees, but to actively support their physical wellbeing.

"The greatest wealth of man is his health. Keeping this thought in mind, we continuously work on the development of our in-plant health offerings."

Michael Klaus, Plant Manager Monheim

(f.l.t.r.) Michael Klaus (Plant Manager of Monheim), Alexander Riedel (Manager Sustainability) and Carolin Meyr (Personnel Consultant) were delighted to receive the silver standard certificate from Denise Mayr, health promotion coordinator of AOK Bayern - directorate Donau-Ries.

The goal of this initiative is to promote companies who systematically and continously improve their processes in health management. Buehler Motor has been certified for the fourth time now since 2016, 2018 and 2021. What activities and measures are we implementing?

"We have a comprehensive portfolio in the area of workplace health promotion, from workplace-related health circles to nutrition days and weekly ergotherapy sessions. These activities are met with great enthusiasm by the employees."

Alexander Riedel, Manager Sustainability

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