Compliance at Bühler Motor
We believe in being a good, fair partner to our customers,
suppliers and employees.
As a global player, the Bühler Motor Group is firmly committed to complying with all the applicable laws and regulations
and to meeting its social responsibilities to the full. For us, it is important to be a good, fair partner to our customers,
suppliers, employees and anyone else with whom we have a business relationship.
Our compliance program includes:
- The Bühler Motor Business Code of Conduct, the rules that govern our general business practices.
- Continuous professional development measures to raise the awareness of our employees so that
they understand how quickly our company’s reputation can be unintentionally damaged. These measures
allow us to deal confidently with difficult situations wherever they may arise. - A direct contact to our Whistleblowing System.
- A separate Compliance page within the local intranet, so that we can keep all our employees informed
about matters relating to conformity with the law, antitrust legislation and so on.
Would you like to know more about this, or do you have any questions?