
Bühler Motor for the mobility of the future.

Vehicle and drive concepts that can lower emissions depend on integrated system solutions. Bühler Motor, as a preferred technology partner to the automobile industry, already has a portfolio that provides solutions for the mobility of the future.

Typical examples include the temperature control of batteries and power electronics and the air conditioning of the vehicle interior. In addition, specific lubrication and temperature control in the drive train along with gear shifting and actuation are also guaranteed.

Bühler Motor Technology and Innovation Development tackles the themes of the future such as electro-mobility and self-driving vehicles. We identify and examine technical trends – both in our own core markets and also in other application areas.

More about our areas of expertise

  • Intelligent electric water pump for hybrid and fully electric vehicle drives

    The commission: A cooling circuit system consisting of five water pumps for a self-driving electric car to control the entire thermo-management.

    The challenge: Development of a high level of efficiency while keeping energy consumption low.

    The Bühler Motor solution: The use of bFlow C pumps meets all the demanding temperature and working life requirements and also provides intelligent diagnostics functions. Bühler Motor was honored by the German American Chambers of Commerce (GACC) as an innovative company for this achievement in 2017.

  • Actuator for Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)

    Application: Cooling and lubricating the transmission of a US electric car with bFlow O oil pump and associated actuator.

    The challenge: Short development time and demanding technical requirements such as the use of new materials due to the particular temperature requirements. Tight interface coordination between pump and control device (ECU).

    The Bühler solution: A highly integrated system that works almost without noise and can resist the specified temperatures. In addition, installation space was reduced through the use of intelligent connection technology. A Bühler Motor system that also proved its outstanding efficiency in calculations.

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